Saturday, December 12, 2015

Mental Health Week

On Monday, I clicked in my little subscription box after pulling up Youtube and Buzzfeed had a multiple Mental Health related videos. This hits home for me. Mass shootings bring up mental health because that is the only time it's "okay" to talk about. Mental health has a huge stigma behind it and I'm sick of that. Why? Not everyone is 100% ok 100% of the time.

Click here to watch their video,  6 Untrue Facts About Mental Health You Probably Believe. I'll give you a couple minutes. Did you really watch it? Really? How many of those "facts" did you believe? Probably more than half, because I did too.

Mental illness is not something we should be scared to talk about. Antidepressants are a thing. Depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder are all things that get shoved under the rug. 1 in 4 people struggle with their mental health. Probably someone, if not multiple people you know. It's scary but true and we need to come to terms with it.

Mental illnesses are different for each and every person that they affect. Sometimes medication works and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes therapy works and sometimes it doesn't. I think mental health is extremely hard to talk about because of the way people look at you and how they react after you've told them what you suffer with everyday. If only I could see your face while reading this blog.

Depression isn't just being sad. Depression is being sad and not knowing why. Not wanting to get out of bed and preferring to stay alone than to interact with people you once loved to be around. Anxiety isn't just worrying about a test. Anxiety is worrying about that test and thinking that if you don't get an A, you won't make it into college.

If you know someone who suffers from any mental illness, talk to them. Let them talk to you. Even if they repeat the same story ten times, it means something. Listening is key. You may not understand what they're going through, but that's ok. Opening you arms and ears will help them immensely.

If you need help understanding mental illnesses and ways you can be there for someone, I strongly suggest checking out Buzzfeed's videos, they helped me and I'm someone that's struggled with anxiety and depression for years.

stay peaceful (and supportive)!!

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