Saturday, December 19, 2015

Defunding Planned Parenthood Would Be Really Really Stupid

The Senate has recently passed a bill which promotes the defunding on Planned Parenthood clinics throughout the United States. This passed bill will head to the senate for voting, and if passed, will land on the desk of President Obama. Yet another example of old privileged men in Washington D.C. influencing and having say over what women do with their bodies.

Individuals who support the defunding of Planned Parenthood probably don't know what they're actually about. Planned Parenthood is often associated with abortion. Going back to the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting, the shooter thought that the clinic he was shooting provided abortions, it didn't. Only 3% of all PP health services are abortion services. It's so much more than that. Defunding Planned Parenthood would force over a million women to find a new source of affordable health care.

Here's just a few of the services that Planned Parenthood provides:

Pap smears, breast exams and contraceptive services make up the majority of care provided by Planned Parenthood. Over 2.7 women and MEN have visited Planned Parenthood services for a reliable and safe source of healthcare. Planned Parenthood provides information and answers questions for teens who are uncomfortable or don't feel safe asking these questions to their parents and families. Where will they go if Planned Parenthood is defunded?

Planned Parenthood is centered around women and most often associated with women, but they provide services for men as well (who would have thought?). PP provides information on male birth control methods, information on infertility and precautions and warning signs of testicular cancer which is more common in young men. I didn't know that they were so invested in everyone in the community and not just women.

Planned Parenthood is also focused on educating the public, in all areas. Information on birth control, abortion, healthy relationships and even body image. I wasn't aware of all the work they do to provide each and every individual with the right information they need to lead a healthier sex and overall life. So much work is done by Planned Parenthood staff to ensure the safety of the public.

Last, but certainly not least, STI/STD screenings and treatments are provided by PP. These sexually transmitted diseases and infections are becoming more and more common in today's society, making prevention and education even more important. Sometimes it's too late, and people just need treatment, and PP doesn't judge. They're only interested in helping individuals, regardless of age, with anything they need.  

By defunding Planned Parenthood, millions of Americans are affected. Not just women searching for an abortion. Learn more about Planned Parenthood before you agree with the defunding of it. They provide specific and crucial treatment and services for men and women of any age, which is something we can only praise in today's world.

stay peaceful (and informed)!!

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