Saturday, January 23, 2016

Not Sorry

Apologizing is a funny thing. When I was younger, I was taught that saying sorry meant you wouldn't do that action again. I'd apologize to my mom for having a tantrum, did that mean I would never be a brat again? No. It just meant that I realized I had done something wrong and I realized I needed to apologize and show the person I felt bad for my actions.

So when a Pantene commercial for hair care came to my attention, I started thinking. Why do women apologize so much?

My cousin, Katie, is one of the strongest women I know. She's been through a lot. She's works hard at school, coaches high school softball and spends and immense amount of time teaching our grandpa how to use his iPhone. She also apologizes a lot. One memory comes to mind. We were eating dinner as a family and she asked for something and apologized right after. My aunt called her out on it and told her to "stop apologizing for things you have no reason apologizing for." What do you think Katie's response was..? "Oh, Sorry."

It seems kind of redundant but apologizing isn't new to women. In the Pantene commercial, a woman apologizes before she asks a question during a business meeting. Another woman apologizes to a man after HE bumped her elbow off of the arm rest and another woman even apologizes while she was getting dinner ready because she had to hand her son over to her husband.

I'm not trying to turn this into a "feminism" issue. But it kind of is an issue. Women need to stop apologizing for working hard, feeling offended or having a damn opinion (sorry for my language). But don't you see?! That parenthesis was a prime example. Why should I apologize for using a strong word with a strong subject?
Women have been put on the backburners and our opinions have been turned away for centuries. Most men don't think women apologize too much but I think that's because they're so accustomed to hearing it. I'm not a man hater. But I do hate society some times.
Apologizing should be for wrong actions. Calling someone a name, or getting into a ridiculous argument with someone you love. NOT having an opinion.

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