Thursday, January 28, 2016

Kids Against Hunger

My school is pretty awesome. Last week we started our Penny War, which is a fundraiser to help feeds starving children throughout the world, through the organization Kids Against Hunger. Each third hour class collects coins and money and "converts" them to penny points. It's a school-wide competition that gives the winning class a party and feeds hundreds of hungry people around the world.

Kids Against Hunger is an amazing organization and I'm so proud that my school is apart of such an amazing organization. KAH provides highly nutritious and life-saving meals to starving children and their families to developing countries and even the United States. KAH meals have a shelf life of 3 years, which is how long it took them to develop their formula of life-saving meals. Each package of food contains rice, vegetables, soy and a vitamin sauce. Twenty-one vitamins are packed into each meals helping to fuel and heal the starving bodies of malnourished children and their families.

Nearly 1.02 billion people around the world do not have enough to eat. That's unfathomable. The rising prices of food costs are also causing the numbers of undernourished people to rise. I don't know many people who are starved or undernourished. My uncle doesn't like to eat leftovers, so he throws extra food away. I know you can't mail that food to Africa or Haiti, but those leftovers could've been the only meal a small child got all week long. That makes me so incredibly sad.

I'm part of the ONE Campaign at my school and it is definitely one of the best things I've done in my high school career. We work to raise money for Kids Against Hunger. Fundraisers such and the Penny War, ONE-Foot Run, and multiple movie nights throughout the year are helping us raise money for Kids Against Hunger.

At the end of the year we fill our small gym with people and package these life-saving meals. Being able to actually package meals that may save someone's life is the greatest feeling. Knowing that their life is literally in your hands and you have the power to save them is so incredible.

Helping Kids Against Hunger is so simple. A donation of one dollar feeds four people. 5.6 millions meals were packaged in 2013. That's amazing. All meals are package by volunteers and KAH keeps minimal staff to maximize the number of families they can help.

Kids Against Hunger is an amazing organization. One dollar feeds four people at 25 cents/meal. Remember how many starving children there are when you throw out leftovers or complain about not liking the food you have.

To make a donation visit:

stay peaceful (and thankful)!!

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