Saturday, November 7, 2015

It Gets Better

Being gay in today's world is scary. It's common sense to know the struggles that these individuals face and suffer when they come out. People of all ages come out to their family and friends each and every day. These brave people may be welcomed with open arms, and others are disgraced. Turned away from their families and abandoned because they're viewed as an embarrassment.

I'm so excited to blog about the It Gets Better Program, which I recently learned about. It Gets Better is a project organized to communicate to lesbian, gay and transgender youth that it does get better. This program is so inspiring and uplifting for many teens that consider suicide as the only way out. PFLAG NYC states that gay teens are 8.4 times more likely to report having committed suicide and 5.9 times more likely to report high levels of depression when compared with teens that have not been rejected by their families.

It Gets Better Program posts videos from celebrities, employees of major companies and everyday people who upload their videos themselves. These videos have personal stories with messages that it gets better, and overall messages of support. Watching these videos was eye opening. Gay youth go through so many emotions. Worrying about what their friends will think, if their parents will support them and having to deal with bullying from classmates. I hear things in school I wish I didn't. Derogatory words intended for gay individuals and it angers me. Why is it so hard for us to accept other people for who they are?

It Gets Better is not just a resource for LGBTQ+ youth, it is a resource for all ages, races and sexual orientations. By watching these videos I had a better idea about the struggles youth face everyday. I know I can be more supportive. No one can do it on their own. They need a strong emotional support system behind them that tells them to keep going.

There are also so many ways to can get involved with the It Gets Better program. You can donate, buy a (super cute vintage) shirt which proceeds all go to helping youth. You can also take a pledge to help the LGBTQ+ community and even record your own video. By sending out a message of support to anyone that needs it, who knows how many people you may have just saved?

The bottom line is that we need to get involved. There's an alarming suicide rate amongst gay teens that needs to drop. Suicide is unbelievably hard on families, and tortures the individuals that are considering it. By spending ten minutes to record a video of love and support, you can save thousands of lives. Get involved, donate, buy a shirt, and make a difference!

LGBT Youth Hotline: 1-800-246-PRIDE (7743)
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
To learn more and help make a difference visit

stay peaceful (and supportive)!!

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