Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"I agree with feminism, but I'm not a feminist"???

What? Maybe I heard you wrong? Oh I didn't? That doesn't make any sense? How can you follow and agree with feminist arguments, but not call yourself a feminist?

This is so confusing to me. I'm a feminist, I agree that everyone should be equal. EVERYONE. Transgender individuals, gay individuals, people of color, people of different religions, and get this: men and women. Feminism is not the idea that men should be "destroyed and gotten rid of". Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.

I think women, and men are afraid to identify as feminists because of the stereotypes that society has developed. Some stereotypes surrounding feminism include hairy arm-pits, anti-femininity, man-hating, angry individuals. Some feminists may have hairy arm pits, be masculine and tough individuals. "Man-hating" feminists don't follow the true meaning and message of feminism.

Feminists like these, that nit-pick what to follow give the movement a bad rep. You cannot only support your cis siblings, you must support your transgender siblings as well. You cannot only support white individuals, you must support every race and color of skin to be a through and through true feminist.

If you don't fully understand what feminism is, look it up. My biggest pet peeve is when someone disregards and "bashes" someone else's beliefs before they truly understand what they stand for and actually believe. Understand what feminism is and be proud to be a feminist. You're following in the footsteps of hundreds of brave women who fought and died for you to vote. Most of them didn't see the successes of their work, it took years for policy to change, and only later women got to reap the benefits that their blood, sweat and tears helped to grow.

stay peaceful (and proud)!!

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