Thursday, October 8, 2015

You CAN make a difference!!

I'm just one person, how much of a difference can I really make?

You'd be surprised at how much of a difference you, as one person, can make in today's society. The key to making these differences and standing out is involvement! The advancement of social media in the past few years has helped to push education and interaction among a multitude of individuals who would have otherwise remain unconnected. 

In the past year I've become more educated on social issues I didn't know I was so passionate about. Feminism, education equality, and a voice for everyone are all issues I hold near and dear to my heart. Without the internet I probably wouldn't be as invested in these rights as I am right now.

One of the first things you can do to help advocate for civil rights is donate. Donate, donate, donate! You don't have to give away all of your money, but selecting a few charities that you find deserving and sincere is a great way to feel like you're making a difference, and it's relatively easy. These donations will go to funding for the project you select or will go directly to individuals who need your money to survive.

Get involved! Join clubs and groups to interact with people that have the same passions and social visions as you. By joining these groups you're able to converse about the ideas you have, with people who support the same things as you do.

If you don't know anyone who is as passionate as you, use your voice. By getting word out and increasing education of others, you are spreading awareness. Whether it be ranting about the issue that makes you so mad (ahem, "Meninism") or writing a complete report on the issue you are helping to make a difference.

Anything you do with a positive attitude to help you movement will make a differences, whether by itself or with the help of millions of others. You are one vital person to the cause you're fighting for.

stay peaceful & get involved!!

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